Program Structure
The Spotswood PDAlliance is the guiding organization that creates, manages, and supports all professional development programming within the Spotswood School District. Fostering the commitment to understandable, approachable, and differentiated professional development, three tiers, have been created to support the differing needs of educators in an active, varied, and timely format. This structure is represented below:
District Programming
Tier 1 - Development
- (New Teachers/Teachers New to the District)
- Summer Orientation
- Teacher/Educational Specialist Induction Workshop Series
- Mentoring
- Peer Visitation and Reflection
- Formative (Informal) Evaluation
Tier 2 - Refinement
- (All District Staff)
- PDAcademy
- In-Service Programming
- Focused Professional Learning Cohorts
- Structured Independent Studies
- Portfolio Reflection Groups
- Building-Level PLCs
Tier 3 - Renewal
- (Administration/Future Ed Leaders)
- Administrator Summer Orientation
- Mentor Administrator Cohort
- Leadership Seminar
- Leadership Team